Farmhouse Amalfi Coast Accommodation "Il Castagno"

Farmhouse Amalfi Coast Accommodation  


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Farmhouse Amalfi Coast Accommodation

Welcome into the official site of: Il Castagno, Farmhouse Amalfi Coast Accommodation.

General informations: Amalfi, common of Campania (prov. Salerno), to 30 ms of halt., on the southern coast of the Peninsula Sorrentina, to the result of the picturesque valley of the Mills in the gulf of Salerno; 6,1 km²s; 5.656 abs. (Amalfitani). Center arcivescovile (diocese Amalfi-extracts). Prepared to amphitheater, Amalfi is dominated from the beautiful cathedral built in Arab-Norman forms in 1203 and reconstructed in 1701-1703. The scalea and the façade that imitate the thirteenth-century style are of the XIX sec.; native instead the 1066 (manufactured to Constantinople) bronzy door, two candelabra for the Easter candle and two famous ambonis, over the bell tower with decoration policroma and the cloister of the Heaven, arabeggiante (1266 - 1268). Notable also the thirteenth-century cloister of the cappuccinis, the ruins of the ancient arsenal of the Republic and the monument to Flavio Gioia (that he supposes been born to Amalfi) than To. Balzico. In the civic Museum, it is it Tabs her/it amalphitana or Table in Amalfi, ancient maritime code. Climatic and bathing station, the city rises to the center of an enchanting coast denominated Coastal Amalfitana, understanding Positano, Praiano, Atrani, Maiori, Smaller, Vietri on the Sea. In the I bring of Amalfi, the fishing is active and notable it is the tourist traffic. . In the territory, industry of the nets, paper mills. In the near, the cave in Emerald or Amalfi.

. St. The city started to develop in the You sec., thanks to a strong influx of fugitive threatened by the Ostrogotis. Subject to the Byzantine duke of Naples, it became then the most important center of the trafficis between the empire of east and southern Italy; already in the You sec. it was center of a diocese. The Longobardis attached her/it without success, then they opposed her a dangerous rival, Salerno, of which you/they strengthened the I bring. In the 836 the duke Sicardo of Benevento attacked him and put her/it to sack; but shortly after, taking advantage of the undoing of the principality beneventano and of the indifference of Bisanzio, Amalfi was constituted to independent (around the 850) republic, held up by called judges, from 958, dukes. Opportunity of defense and demands of the maritime commerce Amalfis often pushed to join the Moslems, with which it definitely broke in the X sec., to stick to the desire of the popes. In the X sec. the commerce amalfitano had a prodigious development in the oriental Mediterranean, and the city became an alive hotbed of civilization: his/her navigators improved the compass, his/her jurists created, with the Table in Amalfi, a model of maritime commercial code by law. The Amalfitanis also founded the hospital of St. Giovanni to Jerusalem (1048), from which it drew origin in the following century the order of the Riders ospitalieri. The Republic had its maximum shine in the first halves the XI sec.; in 1073 it was subdued from the Norman ones, and it started since then to decay: it came to conflict with Bisanzio and with Venice among them ally and it lost his/her privileges in the empire of east. In 1131 it was attached to the kingdom of Sicily and it was twice shortly after attached and ransacked by Pisa (1135 and 1137). It had an ephemeral resumption in the first halves the XIIIsec., under Fred II; in 1343 his I bring it suffered for causes natural irreparable damages, that Amalfi definitely excluded from the narrow entourage of the great cities to marinate. The city rose in fact on a lava terrazzamento of remote age, overlooking the plain one of the Sarno, on whose estuary has been identified the maritime port of the zone. It is probable however that the I bring and the shore they were anciently more neighbors in the city. The three days of the cataclysm made to deposit on Pompeii material eruptive for a thickness of 4 ms, around in which you/they appear recognizable an inferior layer of lapilli and a superior of mixed ash to water, that provoked the collapses of the coverages and the partial one filled of the insides. New sedimentations hid for centuries the buried city up to the 1748 spring, when, under the kingdom of Charles of Borbone, the engineer Alcubierre, come to knowledge of the numerous trovamentis that did him in the zone, you/he/she began the excavations, that revealed only in 1763 the true identity of the place.

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