Farm Holidays in Campania "Il Castagno"

Farm Holidays in Campania  


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Farm Holidays in Campania



Welcome into the official site of: Il Castagno, Farm Holidays in Campania.

General informations:Campania, region of southern Italy, largely open on the Tyrrhenian sea and inclusive among the north Lazio, Molise and the east Puglia and the south Basilicata; 13.595 km²s; 5.762.518 abs. (416 for km²). It is separated in the five provinces: Naples, Avellino, Benevento, Caserta, Salerno; 551 communes. Capol. Naples.The coasts of Campania, that extend him for 430 kms between the mouth of the Garigliano and the bay of Sapri (gulf of Policastro), introduce three great constituent falcature the gulves of Gaeta, of Naples and of Salerno; long beaches open after all to these inlets, while the promontories that contain her are rocky; almost all rocky it is also the coast among the gulves of Salerno and Policastro. Some coastal islands introduce the same characters of the promontories which are connected: this way Capri is calcareous as the near Peninsula Sorrentina, Ischia it is volcanic as the before Fields Flegrei. As it regards the ground, over 40% it is busy from mountains, an almost equal fraction you/he/she is given by hilly territories, while only 20% result constituted from lowlands. Some reliefs of the zone nordoccidentales still belong to the volcanic (Vesuvius, 1.277 ms, Fields Flegrei, volcano of Roccamonfina) Antiappennino, while the reliefs of the most inside part belong to the Appennino they Live; entirely mountainous regions are the Irpinia, in the inside zone and the Cilento, to south of the gulf of Salerno. The greatest lowlands are found in correspondence of the low valley of the Volturno, between Caserta and Pomigliano d'Arco, between Sarno and the sea and in the plain one of the Sele.

The courses of water, that flow for long lines deeply boxed among the various mountainous groups, they are fed by abundant sources, also of origin carsica (the Sele, for es.); the greatest rivers are the Volturno with its tributary Heat and the Sele with the tributaries Heat Lucano and Tanagro; in Campania they have then their source some rivers that throw him in the Adriatic as the Ofanto. Altogether, over halves the surface of Campania reenters in the basins of the Volturno and the Sele.

The climate of Campania is very mild: averages of 17 ºCs are recorded on the coasts and lower values in the elevated inside zones: to Benevento (135 ms), 14 ºCs, to Montevergine (1.270 ms), 8 ºCs. The annual precipitations can reach the 2.000 mms on the reliefs, while they are oscillating between the 800 and the 1.000 long mms the coasts. The vegetation introduces various bands altimetriche: stain up to 400 ms, oaks and chestnut trees up to 1.000 ms, beech trees (elsewhere pines or firs) up to 1.600 ms and finally pastures.

Campania is earth of ancient population; in his/her territory and in the before islands people's traces paleolitiche and neolitiche have been found, over that of tenants of the age of the iron, probably coming from the Sannio. After the Greek colonization of the coastal zones, started in the VIII sec. to.C., and the occupation etrusca, the Roman conquest brought to grow thick some population in the fertile coastal lowlands that, today they welcome still the greatest number of the inhabitants. In the medioevo a certain move of the population was had toward the inside, but not as in other parts of Italy. Currently the greatest accumulations of population are verified around Naples (over 2.500 abs. for km²), to Caserta and Salerno; also near Benevento and Avellino elevated densities are had. Naples, whose population from the census 1981 to that 1991 are decreased of 132.635 unities, it is the admitting center of a notably vast conurbation, since in his/her expansion you/he/she has ended up englobing towns and adjacent countries, not only coastal, with a total of some hundred thousand of inhabitants.

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